Why Should You Use a Copper Water Bottle?

The ancient Egyptians used the ankh, a symbol of life, to represent copper within their hieroglyphs; in the China of antiquity, copper coins were used to treat bodily pains and bladder illnesses; and the Phoenicians of old would use bronze (a copper alloy) sword shavings to treat their wounds.

a hand pours water from a copper water bottle into a glass
The people of all these civilisations knew of copper’s natural antimicrobial properties; luckily, we today can also incorporate this gift of nature into our daily lives.
Before plastic and stainless steel, we had copper. Thought to have been in use by humans for over 10,000 years, copper is not the only antimicrobial metal but it is far more environmentally available, affordable, and effective than alternatives such as silver or gold.

Copper was known to have positive effects on our health and was widely used to make drinking vessels and kitchen tools in ancient Egypt, as noted in Smith’s Papyrus (the oldest medical text known to man).

We also have access to a wealth of documented Ayurvedic medicinal teachings as well as a number of published scientific studies to show that the use of copper bottles genuinely improves the quality of your drinking water, bringing numerous health and environmental benefits with it.


Copper is antimicrobial

Wikipedia states that “ The surfaces of copper and its alloys, such as brass and bronze, are antimicrobial.” They have an inherent ability to kill a wide range of harmful microbes relatively rapidly – often within two hours or less – and with a high degree of efficiency." Copper has the ability to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses; even covid-19 can only survive on copper surfaces for four hours, compared to the whopping three days it can survive on plastic. The metal works in this way because copper ions damage the bacterial cell membrane or the virus’ coating, then the electron floating in each copper atom’s outer orbital shell takes part in an oxidation reaction, creating free radicals that damage the pathogenic cell further. Copper acts fundamentally on the genetic material of the microbe, completely destroying a pathogen’s DNA or RNA, especially useful in eradicating viruses that can lie dormant outside of a host before causing infection.

Water bottles made of copper are imbued with all these bug-killing qualities, acting as a purifier when you keep your water in them for just a few hours before drinking.

High durability, low reactivity

Along with its fellow ‘noble’ metals silver and gold, copper is highly durable. Malleable and ductile by nature, our super-metal is easily beaten into different shapes or stretched into wire. With its low level of reactivity, copper is not vulnerable to corrosion or damage caused by atmospheric elements, i.e. oxygen and water. This means it is completely safe to use when made into water jugs, bottles, or kitchen utensils.

Vital for health

An essential bodily mineral, copper is found in all tissues of the human body. Copper is critical for the function of iron in the body, and in the healthy functioning of our mitochondria, which produce energy for our cells. Storing your water in a copper bottle allows a small number of copper ions to enter the water, fulfilling some of your daily requirements. Moderate copper deficiency leads to anaemia and compromised immune function in the worst cases, but studies carried out on animals to record the effects of marginal (slight) copper deficiency undesirable effects such as high cholesterol, reduced immunity, chronic inflammation, and metabolic issues such as weight gain.

Ditch the plastic

Plastic bottles get a (much deserved) bad rap nowadays, and we agree: they’re produced using fossil fuels, can stick around in landfills for thousands of years, and are full of harmful chemicals such as BPAs. Awful.

Copper bottles, on the other hand, are made using a natural metal, can last as long as you look after them (and longer, while maintaining their kick-ass properties), and literally purify and even enhance your drinking water. No comparison whatsoever.

The best part? Imparting all these benefits is as easy as pouring water in a copper bottle and leaving it 6-8 hours or overnight, happy drinking!

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